What is Your Perfect Match Jewelry of Your Skin Tone?

There are many different reasons that jewellery looks different on different people, but one of the biggest factors is our skin tone. 

So...what is your perfect match jewellery of your skin tone? 

Let's find it out now!

First, you have to identify your skin tone. To determine your skin tone, it's best to look at your skin in natural light. It's important to remember that skin tone is not the same as skin colour. It's possible to have darker skin and a cool skin tone, and you can also have light skin and a warm skin tone.

People who have a cool skin tone have the following characteristics:

Rose or blush undertones
Blue veins

    People who have a warm skin tone will see the following characteristics:

    Yellow or gold undertones
    Green veins


    Once you've determined whether you have warm or cool undertones,
    it's easy to find a metal colour that will flatter your skin tone.

    If you fall into Cool Skin Tone category, 


    If you fall into Warm Skin Tone category, 


    If you have a neutral skin tone, whereby your veins appear blue in some areas and green in others, you'll look good in both white metals and yellow metals.