During the Women's Month campaign in March 2023,
we wanted to make an impact by helping community
of women in need. With that, we collaborated
with the Women of Will.
We believe every woman has the power to forge
the life they want. And we want to take part
in shaping those lives by donating to those who need it.

The campaign had exceeded our expectations and we
are grateful for the outcome. We thank everyone who
has given their support to this campaign. We and the
women from WoW are truly grateful that it's been
a well-received event.
We are trying to make as much impact as we
grow. That is why there will be more charity
events just like this coming soon. Make sure
to stay tuned for what's next!
Women of Will focuses on helping disadvantaged women or
women in the bottom 40% of household income (B40s) by
equipping them with the skills and knowledge to develop
and run sustainable businesses.
To see more of Women of Will, click here.