RM888 ANG POW (1800 x 600 px).jpg__PID:aca84a7d-317d-4229-9611-f3de3e93c43d

Game ending in

Here's how to join the giveaway:

1. Play the Snake Game
-- try to achieve your highest score.
Tips: Screenshot every highest score you achieve until you stopped trying. Try as many times as you wish.

Snake Game

2. Click into this link to submit your highest score.
Please do not spam!

Screenshot 2025-01-16 194245.png__PID:2587a224-0c77-41dd-8d44-efe2e5917f7cSubmit Your Score

4. Follow our Instagram page (@celovisjewellery) and wait for the announcement on 4th February via our IG Stories!

WhatsApp Image 2025-01-17 at 3.51.35 PM.jpeg__PID:87651c72-cc9a-47c5-8443-bb8cfa054c09

T&C applied
- 8888 entries will be given to highest scorer (1) of the Snake Game.
- 88 entries will be given to all participants of the Snake Game.
- Winners will be drawn from all entries and published on IG stories.
- No repeated winners, we will randomize and pick a new winner if the same player has been picked.
- Winners have to follow @celovisjewellery to be eligible to win the giveaway.
- Contest will end by 3rd February 2025 - 12PM.
- Results will be announced via email & Instagram stories on 4th February 2025.




Please try using your PC/Laptop